Wednesday, January 16, 2008

"Propaganda And Manipulation"

"Black and White Thinking" is used by Napoleon and Squealer in Animal Farm when Squealer and Napoleon would say "surely none of you would like to see Jones back" (Orwell 80). By leaving only two choices for the animals he creates a black and white scenario leaving no middle ground for choice.

"Name Calling" Is used by Napoleon to slander snowball and denounce his name. He creates stories about Snowball to keep the animals faith in Napoleon and leave no other option for them. Napoleon makes Snowball to be a monster. (Orwell 88)

"Appeal to Emotion" Napoleon tells the animals when Boxer dies that his last wishes was for the windmill to be finished. Napoleon uses this "sob story" to promote the work on the windmill and to sway the animals to work for Boxer. (Chapter X)

Real Life Propaganda

"Bandwagon" Commercials, Billboards and Magazines. All day you are put on the spot "everyone else does it" or "everyone else has one." This tecnique is used to pressure you into thinking you wont get along with out it. Example: IPOD

"Testimonial" most commercials now include celebritys and it is used to endorse products by putting someone famous on it. This tecnique connects the fact that this person is famous and using the product and you could be just like them. Example: Proactive


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