Tuesday, February 26, 2008

1.In the 1950's 27% of women age 18 were having sex, by the 80's 56% were having sex and the numbers are still on the rise. I think that as a society and as a nation we are becoming more lenient with the youth. We are finding different things more acceptable at a young age. Making kids feel more mature when they are still very young. As the statistic shows below the numbers are actually decreasing, I think faced with the responsibility some are faced with they have learned to make some better choices and be safer.

In 2005, 47 percent of high school students -- 6.7 million -- reported having had sexual intercourse, down from 54 percent in 1991.


2.Gerald is faced with many choices and responsibilities

Monday, February 11, 2008

Chapter 7 Response

A couple months ago I lost my great Aunt Vera. My aunt was pretty close to me and my family. Growing up my family didn't have alot of money. My memories of her go back to the days when she would invite us down and we would all go out to dinner. We went to some really beautiful places and even the all you can eat chinese buffets. We would spend the day together. My aunt was a very funny person, she was just one of those kind of people that could put a smile on your face and would never take no for an answer. She was strong and would stand up for the little guy. She was the kindest person I ever met and I think there was a special place in heaven for her.
I can compare my aunt and his aunt by there persona, the person they were. They both were very strong people and loved to help. They were so close to there family that they would do anything for them They both were also very strong people that didn't take no for an answer and would never settle for second best when it came to family.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

-1/3 of abused and neglected children will eventually victimize their own children

-Children who have been sexually abused are 3.8 times more likely develop drug addictions

-80% of young adults who had been abused met the diagnostic criteria for at least 1 psychiatric disorder at the age of 21 (including depression, anxiety, eating disorders, & post-traumatic stress disorder)

-Abused teens are 3 times less likely to practice safe sex, putting them at greater risk for STDs

-Children who experience child abuse & neglect are 59% more likely to be arrested as a juvenile, 28% more likely to be arrested as an adult, and 30% more likely to commit violent crime.

http://www.childhelp.org/resources/learning-center/statistics These statistics are compiled from the National Institute on Drug Abuse 2000 Report & Child Abuse & Neglect Study by Arthur Becker-Weidman PhD

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Chapter 9 & 10

Chapter 9: Boxer gets sent to the knackers by Napoleon. Boxer dies and Napoleon tells everyone that he wanted to finish the windmill. Squeler anounces that there is another adjustment in there food.

Chapter 10: More creatures less food. Building another windmill. Pigs become human.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

"Propaganda And Manipulation"

"Black and White Thinking" is used by Napoleon and Squealer in Animal Farm when Squealer and Napoleon would say "surely none of you would like to see Jones back" (Orwell 80). By leaving only two choices for the animals he creates a black and white scenario leaving no middle ground for choice.

"Name Calling" Is used by Napoleon to slander snowball and denounce his name. He creates stories about Snowball to keep the animals faith in Napoleon and leave no other option for them. Napoleon makes Snowball to be a monster. (Orwell 88)

"Appeal to Emotion" Napoleon tells the animals when Boxer dies that his last wishes was for the windmill to be finished. Napoleon uses this "sob story" to promote the work on the windmill and to sway the animals to work for Boxer. (Chapter X)

Real Life Propaganda

"Bandwagon" Commercials, Billboards and Magazines. All day you are put on the spot "everyone else does it" or "everyone else has one." This tecnique is used to pressure you into thinking you wont get along with out it. Example: IPOD

"Testimonial" most commercials now include celebritys and it is used to endorse products by putting someone famous on it. This tecnique connects the fact that this person is famous and using the product and you could be just like them. Example: Proactive

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Night Post 1

The cold metal of the guns, the hungarian police pushed, poked and herded us like cattle. The cold metal of the guns swept across my back as I was thrown to the ground. We were asked to leave and surrender all of our possessions we were asked to move to a smaller ghetto we were hungry we were scared and distressed, we were cattle. One fell the rest moved on, family's clinging on to one another trying to stay together. Little ones falling behind kicked and hit with the guns to stay in the herd. We were cattle, rounded up and beaten ready for slaughter. The guards were relentless and violent. There were shots fired and people fell, we were told to run, pick up the pace. A little boy next to me clung to my dress and ran with my trying to keep up. "Come on" I urged him "we need to move." We reached the gates of another prison, a smaller ghetto for all of these people. We were divided as we came to the gates, some were being pulled away and loaded onto trucks. The boy next to me was grabbed, he held on and resisted the guard crying for his family that he could not find. The officer raised his rifle and gave the boy one more chance. He let go of my dress and looked me in the face those eyes burned themselves into me. The officer beat him with the gun and dragged him away. I entered through the gates grateful for my life and not for those that went the other way.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Outsiders Essay

"Sixteen years on the streets and you can learn a lot. But all the wrong things, not the thingsyou want to learn" Discuss this quote from the noveland how it applies to one of the greaser's lives. What things did he learn? Support your ideas with what you know about the character through examples from the novel.

I would expect the quote to be from Ponyboy I don’t think it really matters because I think that it applies to everyone in the gang, you don’t grow up wanting to get shot and worry about getting jumped when the hair on the back of your neck stands up. I think that the Greasers were brought together by problems and they didn’t know how to deal with them but get in trouble. Darry, Sodapop, and Ponyboy were brought into the gang by the fact that they suffered the loss of their parents. They grew up lost and made the best out of it. Johnny came from a “broken home” where his parents hated him. The only people that really cared about him were the greasers, the greasers were family. Dallas was closer to him than anyone he was his little brother and when Johnny died that was like losing your little brother to him. Darry was like the father or the parent figure for the gang. He looked out for all of them and he took care of all of them. He said in the book that he would rather let someone rob him then lock someone out and let them get in trouble out on the streets. Darry led the responsible role for the greasers, he worked and provided, and he stayed out of trouble and took care of everyone.